PHP Suit - fsockopen en Tip: Load URL content <p>An interesting URL fetcher by <a href="">Bin-Co</a>. It workarounds all the curl, fsockopen and file_get_contents problems and provides a nice way to do content fetching.</p> <p><cite>PHP make fetching remote content very easy by including functions like file_get_contents() that has URL support. Unfortunately, this is a huge security threat - and many servers have disabled this feature in PHP. Also this is not the most optimized method to fetch an URL. Also, it is impossible to submit data using the POST method using this function.</cite></p> <p><a href="">Load() Function for PHP - Fetch URL Content</a></p> Blog CURL download fsockopen How To... Load remote URL Useful scripts Tue, 14 Oct 2008 18:44:33 +0000 admin 31 at