PHP Suit - Useful scripts en PHP scripts minifier <p>Nothing special. Just a little online tool for <a href="">compressing PHP scripts</a>. This tool strips whitespace and comments from your PHP script, exactly in the same way as the PHP interpreter does.</p> compress minify PHP Tools Useful scripts Sun, 12 Jul 2009 14:31:55 +0000 admin 55 at PHP functions in JavaScript <p>If you're frustrated with JavaScript and its "higher-level function support", remembering the rich PHP library, try this. <a href="">PHP.JS</a> is an open source project in which we try to port PHP functions to JavaScript. By including the PHP.JS library in your own projects, you can use your favorite PHP functions on the client-side.</p> How To... JavaScript JS PHP Useful scripts Sun, 12 Apr 2009 22:03:51 +0000 admin 53 at Paypal Direct Payment Component Using cURL <p>Another PayPal component for your pages.</p> <p><cite>Looking for a lightweight, easy to use, Paypal credit card processing script? You have found it! This is for Cake 1.2. All you need is cURL and a Paypal API account! Pre-requisites: cURL and Paypal Account with API keys and such</cite></p> <p><a href="">Paypal Direct Payment Component Using cURL</a>.</p> <p>See also <a href="">my PayPal implementation</a>.</p> Blog How To... PayPal Useful scripts Tue, 17 Feb 2009 09:23:51 +0000 admin 50 at Blog: Tips and tricks from other pages VIII <p>How to validate a credit card number and how to use SSL with cURL?</p> <p>Here is the simple <a href="">credit card validating routine</a> - just only helps validating a given credit card number is legit.</p> <p><cite>Using cURL (in PHP) to access https url is often not as simple as using the proper url. Using it for authentication is also not very clearly documented. This is a mini tutorial for both accessing https url's as well as for http authentication.</cite></p> <p><a href="">How To Use cURL (in PHP) For Authentication And SSL Communication</a></p> Blog Cards Credit Card CURL https MasterCard SSL Useful scripts VISA Wed, 14 Jan 2009 19:10:38 +0000 admin 48 at BlogAPI Drupal filter <p>Using blog clients such as <a href="">BlogJet</a> or Windows Live Writer with Drupal can produce some unwanted things, such as ignoring the perex/article break or curious formatting. There is very simple module to solve.</p> <p>Someone says at <a href="">Drupal pages</a>:<br /> <cite>(&hellip;) WLW's "split post" feature, which is available when using the Movable Type API but not with the Metaweblog API, does not produce the &lt;!--break--&gt; tags that Drupal expects. Instead it produces &lt;!--pagebreak--&gt; sometimes and &lt;!--extended--&gt; other times, despite the fact that before posting, the HTML source within WLW shows &lt;!--more--&gt;. Supporting all of these possible page-breaking tags in Drupal would require hacking the core.</cite><br /> <a href="">BlogApi: post from blog tools |</a><br /> I&rsquo;ve extended the module from this discussion and rewrite it for Drupal 5 too. Updated module can convert P and BR tags to NL.<br /> You can download it here:</p> <div class="tablewrapper"><table class="webfm-attach-list" class="tableclass"> <thead><tr><th>Attachment</th><th>Date</th><th>Size</th> </tr></thead> <tbody> <tr class="odd"><td class="att-title"><a href="/webfm_send/8/1" title="Download" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="[file]" title="Download"/> </a><a href="/webfm_send/8" title="Open" target="_blank"></a></td><td class="att-time">14/12/08 9:20 am</td><td class="att-size">884 bytes</td> </tr> <tr class="even"><td class="att-title"><a href="/webfm_send/9/1" title="Download" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="[file]" title="Download"/> </a><a href="/webfm_send/9" title="Open" target="_blank"></a></td><td class="att-time">14/12/08 9:18 am</td><td class="att-size">892 bytes</td> </tr> </tbody></table> </div> Blog BlogJet Drupal How To... Useful scripts Sun, 14 Dec 2008 16:18:03 +0000 admin 45 at Harmony Framework <p>The PHP framework which can convert PHP code into JavaScript.</p> <p>Features:</p> <ul> <li>Converts PHP 5 code into Javascript</li> <li>Nearly all PHP features are supported</li> <li>Object oriented programming using Mootools</li> <li>Uses php.js for php functions</li> <li>Harmony XML: Flex MXML-like language</li> <li>Harmony Toolkit: ready to use components</li> <li>Open Source, MIT license</li> </ul> <p><a href="">Harmony framework</a></p> Blog compiler Framework Harmony JavaScript phpjs Useful scripts Thu, 04 Dec 2008 17:28:38 +0000 admin 42 at PHP Interactive <p>A web based interactive shell for PHP</p> <p><cite>Playing with languages like Python, Tcl or Scheme, one of the first nice things the programmer discovers is a powerful interactive shell where you can try in little time some line of code, and see the result printed on the standard output. Unfortunately PHP does not have support for such a nice feature, there is the command line option -a, but it's very basic, and not that useful. Also what makes php -a not so useful is the fact that PHP is a language for web applications: often the program output is html code, so, doesn't it make sense that a PHP shell will run on the web?. This is the simple idea that PHP Interactive tries to develop.</cite></p> <p><a href="">PHP interactive</a></p> Blog interpreter intreractive Other shell Useful scripts Web Thu, 27 Nov 2008 09:51:32 +0000 admin 41 at Blog: Tips and tricks from other pages VII <p>PHP under control, LINQ and cURL examples...</p> <p><cite>phpUnderControl is an addon application for the continuous integration tool CruiseControl, which integrates some of the best PHP development tools. This project aims to make your first steps with CruiseControl and PHP as easy as possible. Therefore phpUnderControl comes with a command line tool that performs all modifications to an existing CruiseControl installation.</cite></p> <p><a href="">phpUnderControl</a></p> <p><cite>A set of PHP classes mimicing C#3.0's LINQ (Language Integrated Query) extension methods. </cite></p> <p><a href="">PHPLinq</a></p> <p>(Con: <cite>I read about the PHP Implementation of LINQ called PHPLinq. Frankly, I was sceptical about it. Finally, I gave it a try. I still remain sceptical... </cite> - <a href="">Is PHPLinq As Cool As Real LINQ?</a>)</p> <p><cite>We try to collect examples on how to program the PHP/CURL interface here. If you have any source snippests you want to share with the rest of the world, please let us know!</cite></p> <p><a href="">PHP / cURL examples collection</a></p> Blog CURL How To... LINQ PHPLinq testing Useful scripts Wed, 19 Nov 2008 16:28:34 +0000 admin 40 at Tip: Create a zip file from folders <p>How to compress files from some folder into one ZIP file in PHP?</p> <p><cite>For a future project I needed these days some easy to use zip or gzip class to create a zip file from files / folders inside a specified directory. A short search on Google has lead me to the Create ZIP File PHP class from Rochak Chauhan. I tested two other scripts before and must say that this script works great for single files if you add them manually. To compress a whole directory with an unknown number of files into one zip file I created some class extension to get this job done.</cite></p> <p><a href="">Create a zip file from folders on the fly</a></p> Blog compression How To... Useful scripts ZIP Tue, 18 Nov 2008 15:24:54 +0000 admin 39 at Blog: Tips and tricks from other pages VI <p>Some PHP snippets, the cURL-based HTTP class, session starter that works across the browsers and a little tip for your .htaccess to lowering load and save the bandwith. Go on!</p> <!--break--><!--break--><p><cite>A small list of some useful code snippets which might help you when writing your PHP scripts - mail check, password generator, check IP, XSLT transform, sending mail etc.</cite></p> <p><a href="">10 code snippets for PHP developers</a></p> <p><cite>I expanded the previous sample of Basic cUrl and PHP Usage. I added the headers processing which can be useful to handle cookies. It is now easier to use but basic PHP knowledge is required.</cite></p> <p><a href="">eHTTP client class</a></p> <p><cite>If a session based web application is used by a visitor using Internet Explorer it's possible that this user get some trouble. This will happen if parts of the application are accessed for example via a shortcut on the desktop and the application opens then in a new Explorer window. At this moment a second session is started with a different ID, if the used web application has some session based authentication system the user has to login again. At the same time the user has to logout twice! In browsers like Mozilla Firefox new windows are treated the same way then tabs where the problem doesn't exists.</cite></p> <p><a href="">Cross-browser session starter</a></p> <p><cite>The number one turn off for a website has to be loading times. If your server supports mod_expires you can improve your loading times by 66%, as well as saving your self bandwidth.</cite></p> <p><a href="">Save Bandwidth and Loading Times</a></p> Blog cache CURL How To... htaccess sessions snippets tips Useful scripts Tue, 04 Nov 2008 16:35:56 +0000 admin 37 at