PHP Suit - MasterCard en Blog: Tips and tricks from other pages VIII <p>How to validate a credit card number and how to use SSL with cURL?</p> <p>Here is the simple <a href="">credit card validating routine</a> - just only helps validating a given credit card number is legit.</p> <p><cite>Using cURL (in PHP) to access https url is often not as simple as using the proper url. Using it for authentication is also not very clearly documented. This is a mini tutorial for both accessing https url's as well as for http authentication.</cite></p> <p><a href="">How To Use cURL (in PHP) For Authentication And SSL Communication</a></p> Blog Cards Credit Card CURL https MasterCard SSL Useful scripts VISA Wed, 14 Jan 2009 19:10:38 +0000 admin 48 at